Amos Sela Koffa
MSc. Student at JKUAT
Greetings to the wonderful people of Japan and my Tokyo NODAI family. My name is Amos Sela Koffa, a master’s student from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), currently a research exchange student at Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI). It is a privilege to participate in this Long-term Exchange Program.
Empowering African youth with skills and knowledge in research promises to drive sustainable development, fuel innovation, and boost productivity. As an African youth, I believe that Africa’s future relies on advancing skills in science, technology, and innovation to revitalize its human and social capital. The exchange program at Tokyo NODAI has expanded my perspective, equipping me with valuable skills and experiences that inspire a vision of a brighter, productive future.
I am grateful to CGI, JASSO, and Tokyo NODAI for this opportunity, which has enriched my journey and strengthened my resolve to contribute positively to Africa’s progress.