Kisale Enock Isack
Student at SUA
My name is Kisale Enock Isack. I am currently in Tokyo as part of a year-long exchange program (March 2024–January 2025) between Sokoine University of Agriculture and Tokyo University of Agriculture. My studies focus on community and rural development, and at Tokyo NODAI, I joined the Agricultural Economics Development lab, taking classes in agricultural trade, international development, agricultural economics, and international vegetable production.
Since 2022, I have engaged in international agricultural education, first through the TENKAI programs, which provided insights into Japanese agriculture and development challenges in Africa. While in Japan, I participated in several TENKAI programs, including the Comprehensive International Education Program (CIEP) 2024 in Hokkaido and the International Students Summit 2024 in Tokyo.
The CIEP program, in particular, enhanced my understanding of sustainable development, especially the importance of youth engagement in achieving sustainability goals. This experience has inspired me to contribute more actively to sustainable development initiatives in my community.