Ronoh Lioba Chelangat
MSc. Student at JKUAT
My name is Ronoh Lioba Chelangat, a final year MSc Landscape Planning and Conservation student at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology. I am one of the pioneer long term exchange research students from March 2023 to February 2024. During my stay in Tokyo University of Agriculture, I participated in various activities organized by the Centre of Global Initiatives not limited to; high school presentations and the 22nd International Students Summit as a chairperson. My stay in Tokyo exposed me to Japanese culture (Mottainai) and the collective responsibility that people have in conserving the environment. Having gained tremendous knowledge in food waste composting as enthusiast in organic waste management, I have managed to partner with Lexina Ventures a local organic farm in production of compost. My goal is to partner with more farmers and also my county government in improving waste management practices in my local town. Furthering my studies in material recycling at Tokyo NODAI is a goal I am look forward to attaining.